Auction Date:
17/04/2019 11:00 AM
Viewing Date:
22/03/2019 3:09 PM
10% Deposit on the day of the auction and an acceptable guarantee for the balance of the selling price within 20 days.
Full terms of sale will be read out before the start of the auction.
Bidders must provide acceptable proof of Identity and Residential address.
Frequently Asked Questions regarding this Auction:
1. Is there a Reserve Price? This is a Provisional Sale. The seller will have 14 days to approve the offer.
2. Rates & Taxes: Outstanding Rates & Taxes are for the account of the seller.
3. Are there any loose assets included in this auction? Yes, see attached list
4. Liquor license: The Liquor license has expired and a new application will have to be made.
5. Building Plans are available at Senqu Municipality.